1 year ago by OpenBuild
Bounty Type
Bounty Amount
Dear all🌹,
As OpenBuild's product is about to go live, we're eager to provide a better user experience for our platform developers.
To achieve this, we've issued a bounty with substantial rewards, and we hope you'll join our Bug Hunting mission to help us identify potential issues on our website. Check it out:
Task Objective: Search and report any errors, defects, or abnormal behavior on our website. We need your assistance!
Generous Rewards: 1 to 50💰 per Bounty.
Task Duration: Ongoing. Once you discover any BUG leads, you can report them to our dicord channel at any time.
Reward Distribution: Bug rewards submitted within the current month will be evaluated and distributed during the last week of each month.
Step 1: Log in to our OpenBuild website [https://openbuild.xyz/en/learn/courses].
Step 2: Browse and use the website to search for potential issues.
Step 3: If you come across any bugs🛠️, please record detailed information about the issue, including 1. Specific occurrences. 2. When and where the problem occurred (which specific feature). 3. Screenshots of the BUG.
Step 4: Join Discord (https://discord.gg/QPmdvmGGvx), agree to verify, and then enter [https://discord.com/channels/1108399615553847379/1148637125533777962] to submit your Bug.
By participating in our Bug Hunting reward program, you'll have the opportunity to help us continuously improve our website. You can also win task rewards and future community airdrops! We appreciate your support and contributions to OpenBuild🤝.
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